T-Minus 21 days to the first open day of 2020
Saturday 21st March will be our first open day of the 2020 season. Not certain how to find us? Directions to the ship centre are available on our website under the Plan your visit section.
The Ship in the news and media
Dr Toby Jones has been talking to BBC Wales reporter Peter Shuttleworth regarding the economic impact exhibiting the ship will have on the local economy “Newport Ship could be Wales’ answer to the Mary Rose”.
The South Wales Argus followed this up with a nice article “Newport’s iconic medieval ship – end in sight to preservation work after 18 years”.
The ship also gets a mention in the March edition of the BBC’s History Revealed magazine and recommended in the March edition of the Voice magazine as one of the treasures to be found in Newport.
“Friends of Newport Ship” on YouTube
We mentioned in our last post we were about to venture into YouTube vlogs. One of our volunteers has been busy, we have shared the first two vlogs to our new YouTube channel “Friends of Newport Ship”. Why not pop over to our channel.
Remember – Click SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell icon to be notified when further videos are released.
We are seeking volunteers to become Ship Centre Guides and also looking for a Newsletter Editor. For details go to our Volunteering section of the website.
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